This article is intended for users already familiar with the basic functionality of the Where to Work tool. It is recommended to first read the official manual before proceeding.
The goal of this article is to provide an understanding of the optimization procedures that the Where to Work tool uses to generate prioritizations. Specifically, the Where to Work tool uses the prioritizr R package to generate prioritizations with exact algorithm solvers (i.e., Gurobi and CBC. Briefly, this article will (i) provide an overview of exact algorithms, (ii) discuss the advantages and disadvantageous of exact algorithms, (iii) provide an explanation for how one exact algorithm works (i.e., the branch and bound algorithm), and (iv) provide resources for learning more about these exact algorithms. Although it is beyond the scope of this article to provide a detailed understanding of the inner workings of all exact algorithms, this article intends to provide enough information so that users of the Where to Work tool can feel comfortable using these algorithms.
Overview of exact algorithms
Exact algorithms are a class of algorithms that guarantee optimality (A. S. L. Rodrigues & Gaston, 2002; Underhill, 1994). There are many different algorithms that are classified as exact algorithms, including the branch and bound algorithm (Land & Doig, 1960), branch and cut algorithm (Padberg & Giovanni, 1991), simplex algorithm (Dantzig, 1951), and interior point algorithm (Dikin, 1967). Broadly speaking, exact algorithms can solve various types of optimization problems. For example, the simplex algorithm can solve linear optimization problems that contain only continuous decision variables (termed “linear programming problems”). Additionally, the branch and bound algorithm can solve linear optimization problems that contain only integer decision variables (termed “integer programming problems”) and those that contain both integer and continuous decision variables (termed “mixed integer programming problems”). These algorithms have been applied to many different tasks, such as facility location (Canel & Khumawala, 1996), job scheduling (Beaumont, 1997), and route optimization (Schouwenaars et al., 2001). They are also becoming increasingly popular in conservation planning (Hanson et al., 2019; A. S. Rodrigues et al., 2000; Schuster et al., 2020).
The Where to Work tool uses exact algorithms to generate prioritizations. To achieve this, it formulates conservation planning problems using the minimum set (A. S. Rodrigues et al., 2000) or minimum shortfall (Jung et al., 2021) reserve selection problems (depending on whether a budget is specified or not) and then interfaces with external optimization software to solve problems (termed “exact algorithm solvers”). Currently, the Where to Work tool can use the Gurobi and CBC exact algorithm solvers (note that Gurobi is not publicly available and only available with advanced user access). Broadly speaking, these solvers often support multiple different algorithms (e.g., they might support both the simplex algorithm and branch and bound algorithm) so they can be applied to a wide variety of optimization problems. For example, the Gurobi software supports many different algorithms, including the branch and bound algorithm, barrier algorithm, interior point algorithm and various simplex algorithms (see Additionally, exact algorithm solvers may also use heuristic algorithms – a class of iterative algorithms that do not guarantee optimality – in conjunction with other algorithms to augment the optimization process (e.g., Achterberg & Berthold, 2007). They may also apply presolve algorithms – a class of algorithms designed to simplify and reduce the size of optimization problems – to speedup the subsequent optimization process (Achterberg et al., 2020). Although it is beyond the scope of this article to describe exactly which algorithms a particular solver will apply to a given optimization problem, this has hopefully provided an overview of the algorithms that they employ.
Advantages and disadvantages of exact algorithm solvers
There are numerous advantages with using exact algorithm solvers. A key advantage is that exact algorithms provide guarantees on solution quality. For example, if required, they can solve problems to optimality. In other words, they can identify the best possible solution to a mathematical optimization problem. In real conservation decisions, this can sometimes make a large difference in outcome (Schuster et al., 2020). Solving to optimality can also reassure decision makers that proposed solutions provide the best possible outcomes, given the data and objectives they have entered into the system. Also, if strict optimality is not required, they can solve problems to within a pre-specified optimality gap (e.g., identify a solution that is within 10% of optimality). This can be useful solvers are often able to generate near optimal solutions much more quickly than strictly optimal solutions, whilst still providing guarantees on solution quality. Although other types of algorithms can be applied to conservation problems (Ciarleglio et al., 2008; e.g., heuristic or meta-heuristic algorithms; J. B. Kirkpatrick, 1983; S. Kirkpatrick et al., 1983; Nicholls & Margules, 1993), they do not provide such guarantees and, as such, may require re-running the optimization process tens of thousands of times to verify solution quality (Ardron et al., 2010). Additionally, exact algorithm solvers can be readily applied to a wide variety of problems. Because the Where to Work tool uses exact algorithm solvers, it can easily accommodate a variety of different conservation planning problems. For instance, the Where to Work tool can be used to generate (i) prioritizations that minimize cost whilst ensuring all goals are met (i.e., a “minimum set reserve selection problem”) and (ii) prioritizations that aim to reach as many goals as possible, whilst ensuring that the total selected area does not exceed a pre-specified budget (i.e., a “budget-limited reserve selection problem”). Furthermore, another advantage of using exact algorithm solvers is that they are steadily increasing in performance over time (Achterberg & Wunderling, 2013). By interfacing with exact algorithm solvers, this means that the Where to Work tool leverages such improvements as newer versions of the solvers become available over time.
There are also several disadvantages with using exact algorithm solvers. A key disadvantage is that the best performing exact algorithm solvers are commercial software (e.g., Gurobi and IBM CPLEX). Although open source exact algorithm solvers are available (e.g., CBC, HiGHS, and SYMPHONY), they generally cannot solve optimization problems as quickly as the commercial solvers and they might not be able to solve particularly large problems (Schuster et al., 2020). Commercial solvers often provide special free licenses for academic use (e.g., Gurobi and IBM CPLEX); however, commercial licenses may be required for use by governmental, commercial, and non-governmental organizations. As such, organizations may need to carefully consider the potential benefits and costs associated with using commercial solvers. Another disadvantage is that exact algorithms can be much slower than other types of algorithms. For example, some heuristic algorithms – while they cannot guarantee solution quality – can generate near-optimal solutions to optimization problems faster than exact algorithms (Pressey et al., 1997; Zanakis & Evans, 1981). Indeed, the Zonation decision support tool – which is powered by iterative algorithms (Moilanen et al., 2022) – can likely solve budget-limited reserve selection problems faster than the Where to Work tool. Finally, it can be challenging to solve large-scale non-linear problems with exact algorithms [e.g., problems that include complex metrics for connectivity; Keeley et al. (2021)]. Although this means that they might not be able to solve particularly complex mathematical optimization problems (Moilanen, 2008), exact algorithm solvers can be applied to many conservation planning problems (e.g., Hanson et al., 2019; A. S. Rodrigues et al., 2000).
Explanation of how an exact algorithm works
Here we will explain how the branch and bound algorithm – one of the earliest exact algorithms – can be used to solve optimization problems (Land & Doig, 1960). The main aim of this section is to explain how it is possible for an algorithm to guarantee optimality, without iterating over every single possible solution. Since this article is intended for an audience that does not have a strong mathematical background, we will only provide basic understanding of the algorithm.
For ease of interpretation, we will begin with an intuitive description. The branch and bound algorithm involves iteratively subdividing an optimization problem into a hierarchical tree of sub-problems. Here, the base (or stump) is the original optimization problem, each branch is a different sub-problem, and the tips of the branches are different solutions to the original problem. By exploiting the hierarchical structure of the tree, the algorithm can effectively search for an optimal solution without having to examine each and every possible solution (i.e., tip). Indeed, the algorithm can examine particular branches and determine if an optimal solution will not be found in any of the tips connected to the branch. The algorithm terminates once it has explored enough of the tree to identify an optimal solution to the original problem. Hopefully, this intuitive description is useful. However, if further details are required, we will provide a more thorough description below.
We will define some terminology to aid in describing the algorithm. An objective value is a measure that quantifies the quality of a candidate solution (e.g., the cost of a set of a prioritization, or how well a prioritization safeguards a variety of species). Also, an optimal solution is a solution which has the best possible objective value to a particular problem, whilst meeting all the constraints (e.g., the cost for a prioritization must be below a particular budget threshold) and variable restrictions (e.g., particular variables such as “purchase” or “do not purchase” must be integer or binary) defined for the problem. Additionally, an incumbent solution is the best solution found so far during the course of an optimization process, which is sometimes initially estimated using a heuristic algorithm. Finally, a bound for the optimal solution is the best estimate for the objective value of the optimal solution. During the course of an optimization process, the bound for the optimal solution will become more accurate. Also, note that the bound for the optimal solution is mathematically defined to be equal to, or better than, the objective value of the optimal solution (e.g., in a maximization problem, it will be greater than the objective value of the optimal solution). After defining these terms, we can begin describing the branch and bound algorithm in more detail.
The branch and bound algorithm starts by solving a relaxed version of the original optimization problem. In particular, a problem that contains integer (or binary) variables can be relaxed to create a new problem by substituting the integer (or binary) variables for continuous variables. For example, if we had a problem that contained an integer variable ranging between 1 and 5, the relaxed version of this problem could contain a new continuous variable ranging between 1.0 and 5.0. Since problems that contain only continuous variables are much easier to solve, the relaxed problem can be solved relatively quickly. If the solution to the relaxed problem meets the integer (or binary) restrictions to the original problem, then the optimal solution to the original problem has been found. However, this is rarely the case.
The solution to the relaxed problem will likely contain non-integer (or non-binary) values for the integer (or binary) variables. As such, the solution to the relaxed problem is not considered feasible (because it contains non-integer values for “purchase” or “do not purchase” variables that must contain integer or binary values), and it is not the optimal solution to the original problem. However, this does not mean that the solution is useless. Because the objective value for the solution to the relaxed problem will always be better than (or equal to) the objective value for the optimal solution to the original solution, the objective value for the solution to the relaxed problem can be used to set an initial estimate for the bound for the optimal solution. As we will see in subsequent procedures, the bound for the optimal solution will be updated and refined during the course of the optimization process.
The solution to the relaxed problem can be used to subdivide the relaxed problem into a series of sub-problems. These sub-problems can be viewed as hierarchically subordinate “children” to the “parent” problem. For example, if the solution to the relaxed problem has a value of 4.3 for an integer variable, then this variable could be used to create two sub-problems by (i) adding a constraint specifying this variable must be and (ii) adding a constraint specifying this variable must be . If the solution to the relaxed problem contains many values that do not meet the integer (or binary) restrictions for the variables, there might be a very large number of sub-problems. The algorithm will then decide on a particular sub-problem to explore further. Indeed, the methods used to determine which sub-problem to explore further have an enormous impact on run time, and fast exact algorithm solvers will have algorithms dedicated to help speed up this process.
The algorithm will then solve the chosen sub-problem. Although the sub-problem has one (or potentially multiple) additional constraint(s), it is still a relaxed version of the original problem and can be solved relatively quickly. Depending on the solution to the sub-problem, one of the three following procedures will be applied. First, if (i) the solution to the sub-problem contains values that meet all the integer (or binary) restrictions for the variables and (ii) the objective value for the solution is better than the objective value for the incumbent solution, then the solution is earmarked as the new incumbent solution. Second, if (i) the solution to the sub-problem contains values that do not meet all the integer (or binary) restrictions for the variables and (ii) the objective value for the solution does not provide a better bound for the optimal solution, then the sub-problem is abandoned and another sub-problem is selected as a chosen sub-problem. Third, if (i) the solution to the sub-problem contains values that do not meet all the integer (or binary) restrictions for the variables and (ii) the objective value for the solution provides a better bound for the optimal solution, then the objective value for the solution is used to update the bound for the optimal solution and the sub-problem is subdivided into further sub-sub-problems. One of these sub-sub-problems is then selected as the new chosen sub-problem, and the procedures previously outlined in this paragraph are applied, recursively, to the new chosen sub-problem.
During the course of the optimization process, the bound for the optimal solution and the objective value for the incumbent solution will become more similar to each other. Indeed, as sub-problems are solved to obtain better estimates of the bound for the optimal solution, the bound for the optimal solution will get closer to the objective value for the incumbent solution. Additionally, as sub-problems are solved to obtain better quality feasible solutions, the objective value for the incumbent solution will improve. For example, in a maximization problem, the bound for the optimal solution will typically start with a relatively high value (i.e., reflecting an overly high initial estimate of the optimal objective value) and decrease as sub-problems are explored and the bound is refined. Whereas, the objective value for the incumbent solution will start with a low value (i.e., reflecting a poor quality solution to the original optimization problem) and increase as solving sub-problems yields better quality feasible solutions.
The algorithm terminates when the bound for the optimal solution and the objective value for the incumbent solution both have very similar values. In particular, the algorithm will terminate when the relative difference expressed as a percentage (i.e., optimality gap) between the bound for the optimal solution and the objective value for the incumbent solution meets a pre-specified threshold. For example, if a 0% optimality gap is specified, then the algorithm terminates when the bound for the optimal solution and the objective value for the incumbent solution are equal to each other. The Where to Work tool applies a two stage optimization process, where it uses an optimality gap of 10% in the first stage where it focuses on maximizing species’ representation or minimizing cost (if using a budget or not, receptively) and an optimality gap of 15% to subsequently minimize spatial fragmentation (if specified). When the algorithm terminates, it will output the incumbent solution. This is because the incumbent solution is the best solution found that meets the integer (or binary) restrictions for the variables.
Resources for learning more about exact algorithms
Here we will provide resources for learning more about exact algorithms. In particular, Gurobi Optimization – the developer of the Gurobi exact algorithm solver – has created numerous online resources to help its users understand exact algorithms. These resources include online guides and videos. They have been created by experts in mathematical optimization and provide detailed explanations. Among these resources is a webinar series on using exact algorithms to solve mixed integer programming problems (i.e., those that contain both continuous and integer (or binary variables) and a webinar series on using exact algorithms to solve linear programming problems (i.e., those that contain only continuous variables). Although watching both of these webinar series will be useful for better understanding the algorithms that underpin the Where to Work tool, readers that are interested in an illustrative example of the branch and bound algorithm (discussed in the previous section) may find the video on this algorithm of particular interest.