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This function simulates Theme objects.


  lambda = 5,
  continuous = NA



Dataset object.


integer number of themes with a single feature to simulate.


integer number of themes with a multiple features to simulate.


numeric lambda parameter for simulating the number of features for themes that contain multiple features. This parameter is used as a argument to rpois(n, lambda = lambda). Defaults to 5.


logical should the data be continuous? Defaults to NA. If NA, simulated themes are a mix of continuous and categorical defined by a conditional: stats::runif(1) > 0.5


A list of simulated Theme objects.

See also


# find data file paths
f1 <- system.file(
  "extdata", "projects", "sim_raster", "sim_raster_spatial.tif",
  package = "wheretowork"
f2 <- system.file(
  "extdata",  "projects", "sim_raster", "sim_raster_attribute.csv.gz",
  package = "wheretowork"
f3 <- system.file(
  "extdata",  "projects", "sim_raster", "sim_raster_boundary.csv.gz",
  package = "wheretowork"

# create new dataset
d <- new_dataset(f1, f2, f3)

# simulate data
x <- simulate_themes(data = d, n_single_themes = 3, n_multi_themes = 2)
# print results
#> [[1]]
#> Theme
#>   id:        97ff3057-11a5-4e60-a73d-c38551e15b37
#>   name:      Eurasian Blue Tit
#>   feature: 
#>     Eurasian Blue Tit habitat [status: TRUE, current: 0.17, goal: 0.61]
  variable: .../sim_raster_spatial.tif#Eurasian_Blue_Tit [total: 1717 ha]
#> [[2]]
#> Theme
#>   id:        e669b851-c514-484e-bb3c-1c72328818f9
#>   name:      Ground Cuckooshrike
#>   feature: 
#>     Ground Cuckooshrike habitat [status: TRUE, current: 0.53, goal: 0.81]
  variable: .../sim_raster_spatial.tif#Ground_Cuckooshrike [total: 10248.99 ha]
#> [[3]]
#> Theme
#>   id:        c6c97552-9b1c-4a9d-89a9-ae54c14243a5
#>   name:      Lesser Frigatebird (Trindade)
#>   feature: 
#>     Lesser Frigatebird (Trindade) habitat [status: TRUE, current: 0.43, goal: 0.84]
  variable: .../sim_raster_spatial.tif#Lesser_Frigatebird_Trindade_ [total: 317 ha]
#> [[4]]
#> Theme
#>   id:        7fbcf991-e928-4cc2-9d11-d1f179b920f9
#>   name:      Old World Buntings
#>   feature: 
#>     Vincent's Bunting [status: TRUE, current: 0.2, goal: 0.64]
  variable: .../sim_raster_spatial.tif#White_capped_Bunting [total: 1506 ha]
#>     Cabanis's Bunting (Cabanis's) [status: TRUE, current: 0.16, goal: 0.81]
  variable: .../sim_raster_spatial.tif#White_capped_Bunting [total: 1506 ha]
#>     Somali Bunting [status: TRUE, current: 0.56, goal: 0.81]
  variable: .../sim_raster_spatial.tif#White_capped_Bunting [total: 1506 ha]
#>     Corn Bunting [status: TRUE, current: 0.55, goal: 0.6]
  variable: .../sim_raster_spatial.tif#White_capped_Bunting [total: 1506 ha]
#>     Cinereous Bunting [status: TRUE, current: 0.56, goal: 0.82]
  variable: .../sim_raster_spatial.tif#White_capped_Bunting [total: 1506 ha]
#>     Yellowhammer [status: TRUE, current: 0.19, goal: 0.69]
  variable: .../sim_raster_spatial.tif#White_capped_Bunting [total: 1506 ha]
#>     White-capped Bunting [status: TRUE, current: 0.45, goal: 0.78]
  variable: .../sim_raster_spatial.tif#White_capped_Bunting [total: 1506 ha]
#> [[5]]
#> Theme
#>   id:        79f71a93-e9ad-46bc-ad4a-6c79f9befa22
#>   name:      Bushshrikes and Allies
#>   feature: 
#>     Yellow-breasted Boubou [status: TRUE, current: 0.49, goal: 0.58]
  variable: .../sim_raster_spatial.tif#Brubru [total: 336.21 ha]
#>     Lagden's Bushshrike (Eastern) [status: TRUE, current: 0.58, goal: 0.58]
  variable: .../sim_raster_spatial.tif#Brubru [total: 336.21 ha]
#>     Western Boubou (Cameroon) [status: TRUE, current: 0.26, goal: 0.71]
  variable: .../sim_raster_spatial.tif#Brubru [total: 336.21 ha]
#>     Marsh Tchagra (Anchieta's) [status: TRUE, current: 0.58, goal: 0.63]
  variable: .../sim_raster_spatial.tif#Brubru [total: 336.21 ha]
#>     Black-fronted Bushshrike [status: TRUE, current: 0.31, goal: 0.82]
  variable: .../sim_raster_spatial.tif#Brubru [total: 336.21 ha]
#>     Green-breasted Bushshrike [status: TRUE, current: 0.39, goal: 0.69]
  variable: .../sim_raster_spatial.tif#Brubru [total: 336.21 ha]
#>     Lagden's Bushshrike (Lagden's) [status: TRUE, current: 0.15, goal: 0.65]
  variable: .../sim_raster_spatial.tif#Brubru [total: 336.21 ha]
#>     Papyrus Gonolek [status: TRUE, current: 0.41, goal: 0.65]
  variable: .../sim_raster_spatial.tif#Brubru [total: 336.21 ha]
#>     Brubru [status: TRUE, current: 0.25, goal: 0.64]
  variable: .../sim_raster_spatial.tif#Brubru [total: 336.21 ha]